xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Closer Look: Order my Steps

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Order my Steps

     Hot did not begin to describe the unrelenting beating of the sun's rays.  No water, no trees, no rock, just sand as far as the eye could see.  No road or markings led in any direction.  A lone figure on the horizon fell, knees buckling under the weight of his circumstance. 
     "It is too much" he murmured, for he had not the strength to cry out.  I'm going to die here.
     His head snapped up, looking for the voice shouting at him.  He found only sand.  Lowering his head, he felt the blazing heat sapping his remaining strength.
     GET UP.
     Fear renewed his strength and he leaped up, looking for the voice.  Laughing, he surveyed the desert.  Nothing had changed, still sand for miles.  I'm surely going mad.
     "I don't know which way to go."  His voice, barely audible, screamed his defeat.
     And so he walked, with a strength not his own, in the direction his feet took him.

     How many times do we find ourselves wondering which way to go?   What decision to make?  Which choice is best?  Does it seem easier to make those decisions when our health, finances, and family are in order?  When the world is in our favor, those decisions don't seem as daunting and the consequences don't seem as significant. 
     Biblical thougt.  If Moses had to experience the desert before making the choice to reveal his identity, would he have chosen to remain a prince of Egypt?  Once cast in the desert, wandering in the sun, his flesh must have warred within him, questioning the decision he made, questioning the God who brought him to that moment. 
     How many times I have faced this same battle.  God I feel like I'm in the heat here, wandering, I don't know which way to go.  I don't know which way to step.  Surely it would be better if I just stopped. 
     And the still small voice of God says, "JUST WALK".
     Psalms tells us, the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord.  It doesn't say what condition or in what place the righteous man is in, does it?  Today, if you find yourself in a desert or in a rose garden, remember your steps are ordered of the Lord, and even if it doesn't make sense, even if it seems unbearably hot, rest assured God knows where he is taking you.

     Years after coming out of the desert, Moses stood in awe of the Unnamed One's glory, at the foot of Mount Sinai.  Life far from the palace but full of a wealth he never dreamed possible.  Egypt's palace life ahad become a distant memory.  Today his feet led him down a path unknown but once again something propelled him forward.  Suddenly, a light blinded his eyes, and a wave of heat took his breath away.  Looking up, he beheld a bush a light with fire, yet there was no smoke for the bush did not burn. 
     Dropping to his face, he wept, hearing once again the voice from the desert, onlythis time much louder and much stronger.  Certainty flood through him.  The God of his fathers had led him through the desert for this moment.

     You see, God has a plan for you.  He is guiding your footsteps through every situation, to bring you to a burning bush:  a revelation of his plan for your life.  Keep in the word.  Remain steadfast in prayer.  Make your decisions with confidence knowing God is ordering your steps.  Psalm 37:23.

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