xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Closer Look: Imperfection

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


She held the baby close, breathing in the smell of his sweetness as her nose brushed an impossibly soft cheek.  Watching him sleep she wondered to herself, could there be anything more perfect?  Her heart swelled with love, and deep inside her she knew no matter what the future brought that this love would never leave her heart.  In that moment she was bound forever to this tiny boy, sleeping blissfully, unaware of a world other than his mothers arms.  

Have you ever pondered the meaning of perfection?  So much of our lives are spent attempting to gain perfection in our homes, our relationships, our jobs, our hobbies, in simply everything we do.  It is this drive for perfection that perhaps causes us to miss out on other things going on around us.  We become so focused on making something perfect that everything else fades in the background.  What we strive for might be different things, but we are all striving for perfection in some area of our lives.  And it is exhausting.  I'm not saying we shouldn't do our best, do no misunderstand.  I'm simply challenging us all to perhaps look at areas where we are striving to be perfect and perhaps reevaluate what PERFECT really is.  

I struggle with this daily as a wife and mother.  In my eyes a perfect wife will have a spotless home, laundry clean-folded-and put away, healthy organic snacks readily available,  a good supper on the table, appointments made and kept accordingly, children well behaved-happy-healthy-and clean, and do you get the picture?  While my husband has frequently made a point to say I worry way too much about all that stuff.  He wants a kiss when he walks in the door, food-any kind really-in the cabinet, and a bed to sleep in.  It has taken me a long time to learn how to be less like the perfect wife in my head and more like the perfect wife in his.  I must be truthful and say I still hold myself to many of the standards above, my mother taught me well, but I have learned how to let go (eh hem most of the time) when things don't measure up where I think they should be.  

Spiritually, it should come as no surprise, we also seek perfection.  After all, we are called to Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace. Psalm 37:37. It can seem a daunting task to be a "perfect" Christian.  Dear reader, here is my revelation for this day, and the next when you and I once again miss the mark at being perfect.  You don't have to be perfect TO BE perfect!  I know right, amazing thought.  A point others have realized before me, and one we have to realize again and again on a frequent basis.  

In the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, Moses reviews the commandments of God with the Israelite people. In chapter 18:13 he states Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God.  This scripture follows instructions to the people telling them not to follow the ways or religions of others around them.  The instruction here was not to be faultless but to be sincere, to be upright.  To not be fake, to not seek after instruction from someone other than God, but to be free from pretense or deceit, proceeding from genuine feelings which is to be sincere according to Miriam Webster. 

God knows we are not perfect.  And does He.  But as a mother looks down on the perfection of her newborn child, so does God look upon us.  As that child grows the imperfections of being human reveal themselves, but true love in a parent loves despite the imperfections.  God not only loves us despite ourselves, but He provides a way for us to experience perfection.   Here is the glorious, wonderful, fabulous little tidbit to never forget.  1 John chapter 4 tells us God is love.  If we dwell in love we dwell in God.  Herein is our love made perfect.  Therefore, if we love God we love our brethren also.  If I am able to love those around me despite their flaws, if I am able to be sincere with them, and show them genuine love, if I am able to love my enemies and do good to those who hate me then I find perfection in Christ. Matthew 5:48.  

What promise we are given when we seek after this type of perfection.  2 Chronicles 16:9  says The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards him.  God's peace and love shall be with you 2 Corinthians 13:11.  So today, and the next, instead of attempting to make yourself into a model of perfection, that you will never achieve-that will exhaust you, instead be real.  Be yourself, be sincere. And above all, learn to love.  And if that task is difficult pray to the one who first loved you, despite every little thing about you that is not perfect. 

Dwell in love and you dwell IN perfection despite your IMperfections.  

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