xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Closer Look: Called Together

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Called Together

“An ark?” she looked at her husband puzzled by the description he’d just given her. An ark that measured three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high seemed an impossible picture to grasp, much less build. “Out of gopher wood?”

Noah looked at his hands, hearing the disbelief in his wife’s voice. “Yes,” he stated simply.

“And how exactly, where exactly, with what money are we to build it with?” She asked incredulously, looking around at their humble hut, its belongings meager indeed.

“I don’t know. I just know we have to and the Creator will make a way." Noah’s statement held no room for argument or question.

She knew that tone, and knew nothing she could say or do would sway him from his current path. Sitting down, for she found her legs suddenly would not hold her, a hundred thoughts went through her mind in an instant. They would have to move; somewhere deep in the forest for there would be no room to build anything here. What would her family say, her neighbors? How would they survive in the woods without the protection of the village? There were wild beasts, as well as men, who roamed the woods with no thought to life. Recent episodes of the wildness also in the village, of murder and rape, drunkenness and plunder, so widespread she or Noah remained awake around the clock to keep their home safe. The only moments fear did not accompany her every breath were those spent at the altar with Noah as he made sacrifice to the God of the heavens. Everyone else had abandon the rites at the altar, and forsaken the God taught to them of old, but Noah held steadfast to the teachings he learned at his grandfather’s knee. She looked up to find him watching her. Did she trust him? Did she believe him? He would walk into the woods to build an ark, and leave her here, if he really believed God commanded him to do so. Could she make the same sacrifice? The faces of her sons, bright and expectant filled her thoughts. She wanted something better for them. Something besides the fear they lived in every day. She wanted them to know the peace she found with Noah at the altar. Standing, hands on her hips her expression matching the resoluteness in his, she proclaimed, “Well, I guess we have a lot of work ahead of us then.”

When I think about the account of Noah I find myself wondering how he and his family, especially his wife handled the burden God placed upon them. I believe Noah found grace in the eyes of God because he still sacrificed at the altar as God commanded Adam. If others were continuing, then their sins would have been covered and they would have also found grace in God’s eyes. I believe he took his family with him, and they experienced the anointing of the altar together building a relationship of trust and respect with God and one another. Her role in supporting him, encouraging him, praying for him, and simply believing in him would have been vital to carrying out God’s will. Just as the animals were brought on male and female, so were Noah and his wife called together. Without doubt I believe God gave Noah the wife he would need to assist him. I'm sure she looked at their lives and the seeming impossiblity of the task and wondered, as I often have, how they would afford it, or how their tiny family could possibly build something so huge! But she chose to trust in Noah and trust in God. What characteristics and attitudes can we attribute to her, that possibly we can model to be ready when God calls us to the impossible?

We can be willing. Willing to sacrifice anything God asks of us to be in His will.

We can be supportive. We can be an encouragement to our family and friends, and support them when they are called to a ministry or task. No matter how big or small it may seem, encouragement is huge, just a smile or a word of “you’re doing a good job, I’m praying for you” can make all the difference.

We can be praying for and with those we are blessed to be in relationships with. Whether spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, aunt, or friend we need to find God at the center of our relationships.

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