xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Closer Look: The Journey

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Journey

Sarah: The journey

A hot stifling breeze filled the already close tent, its inhabitants standing shoulder to shoulder.  A still form lay sleeping, unaware of those encircling her, the rise and fall of her chest the focus of their gaze.  Abundant dark hair with only traces of silver fanned out around her face, belying the years her life had seen.  Seated close at her right side, a man with a full white beard and flowing hair, gently stroked her hand.  Her eyes fluttered open, taking his breath for a mere moment once again struck by her beauty.  His princess, his Sarai.  So she had been called when he first took her hand, promising her the world in the impetuosity of his youth.  No wonder he feared for his life, believing others would kill just to possess her, even now with age her beauty still shone brilliantly.  Her eyes met his with a look of understanding only a lifetime of togetherness could produce.  Time had come for good-bye.  He pressed her hand to his heart, trying to quell the storm threatening to break within him.  He couldn’t.  He didn’t know how. 

Sarah looked into the eyes of her beloved, wishing she could somehow spare him the pain of this moment.  If only she could impart a tiny part of the peace now shrouding her like a quiet rain dampening every spark of fear threatening to break through.  If only she could tell him everything in her heart.  Of how much the love of Abraham had enriched her very existence, how blessed to have been loved and to love but most importantly of their journey together.  Not the miles they had traveled, or the places they had been, but the journey of finding God.  Finding God and at last knowing Him, reveling in the majesty of belonging to Him.  Raising her free hand she reached towards her son.  Isaac.  Running her hand through his curls she felt a small regret knowing she would never behold her grandchildren, however she still marveled at the miracle of Isaac’s existence.  Raising his head to look at her, she brushed the tears away and spoke softly so that only Abraham and Isaac could hear her, “Trust God.”  She felt Abraham’s grip tighten and looking into his face realized no other words were necessary, together through mistakes, doubts, and fears they’d learned the importance of those two simple words.  Even now, he nodded understanding even in her death he must continue to Trust God and to teach Isaac who would teach his children, and they theirs, until their legacy spread throughout an entire nation whose numbers would be greater than all the stars of the heaven…

As I studied and looked in between the lines and tried to write, all I could see was the entirety of her life.  Sarah was the matriarch of the lineage of Christ (Matthew 1).  Through her lineage and Abraham’s God declared would come kings (Genesis17:6), including the King of Kings.  Her husband, despite his faith and willingness to follow God, wasn’t perfect and his decision making cost them more than once, but ultimately he led his family to understand that no matter what the sacrifice God would provide (Genesis 22). What can we glean from all of this? I believe a great deal can be learned by just taking a moment to remember life is messy.  No matter how great a job you have or don’t have, no matter how wonderful your family is or isn’t, no matter how much money you have or don’t have, life is messy. 

Life is messy.  Thankfully I know a God who specializes in messes.  I want my life to be like Sarah’s. I want the mess of it all, combined with God’s grace, to reveal a beautiful story at the end worthy of a legacy left to the generations behind me.

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