xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Closer Look: One Who Helps

Thursday, January 28, 2016

One Who Helps

Hot.  So hot.  They had been clearing this bit of ground for 3 days and still rocks were everywhere.  She was sick of rocks, and of hearing Adam’s plan to grow the plants they learned would take away the sensation they now recognized as hunger. She reached down to pick up the next rock and stumbled to the ground.  Unhurt, she remained seated, and looking ahead she made out the broad shoulders of Adam intent on his work.  Just a moment she thought, I’ll rest for just a moment and if he says anything well maybe I’ll just throw one of these rocks his way, she grinned, imagining his response to the action.  Leaning back, she covered her face, attempting to keep the sun from her already burnt skin.  Closing her eyes she could feel the warmth of her breath against her check.  Her ears roared, remembering the day, that very first day when she felt the warmth of her first breath fill her body.  Her ears had roared that day, with sounds as loud as the waves of the river crashing on the banks during a storm.  And then the roar stopped suddenly, as her eyes flew open revealing a perfect blue sky.  Her chest had expanded with an intense warmth until the pressure, threatening to burst from the inside, at last gave way to the wind that parted her lips.  That’s when she first saw him.  Piercing brown eyes looking into her soul, revealed everything all at once.  Without words, she knew everything in an instant.  Knew who he was, how he was formed from the earth by the living God who breathed life into him, how that same God had made everything, including her, how he communed with God in the cool of the day, and what purpose her life held.  Help, he needed her and God had granted him an helpmeet.  Raising her to her feet, she looked up and saw the expanse of an ocean the green of life a backdrop to its vastness.  Suddenly, the vision vanished and she looked up to see the same piercing eyes looking at her with concern. 

            “We can stop for today, if we need to” he spoke helping her to stand.  Looking around she couldn’t help but see the difference.  A brown desert wasteland, with only small spots of patchy green, filled the space as far as she could see in any direction. He took her hand, his concern making her fill the tiniest bit guilty for her thoughts of hurling rocks at his head.  Help him, her conscious spoke clearly, you are to help him.

            Shaking her hand gently she replied, “No, it’s okay. I’m okay.  Let us continue on the work until the sun is a little farther down in the sky.” And side by side they continued their work, together.


Eve. What can we learn and see about the woman everybody seems to want to shake a finger at?

Genesis 1:18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Alone. I admittedly hate being alone. Especially at night, when darkness falls and my imagination creates wild things out of every sound and shadow. But it wasn’t just because Adam needed the security of a companion because he had night time fears, he had been given work to do, even in his perfect Paradise and he needed help. Hold it, there’s a thought. Even when we have worked to find exactly where God wants us to be, we have to keep working? Yes. Living for God IS working for HIM, it does require effort. But THANK YOU Jesus, he will not leave you alone in that work. I believe just a God created Eve as an helpmeet for Adam, he has created us as helpmeets for one another. Perhaps God is placing you in a workplace, or as a neighbor, or in a family situation, or simply as a friend but be assured He is positioning you somewhere to be a helpmeet for someone.

Now, I know many of us are aware of the next chapters where weak Eve is persuaded to disobey. But let’s stop. Before we get there, to the part where mistakes are made in life, and if we let them can define our very existence. Today let’s focus on our purpose in creation, on Eve’s purpose. To be an helpmeet. The simplest definition of helpmeet is “one who helps”. Help, as defined by Merriam- Webster, is a verb, an action: to do something that makes it easier for someone to do a job: to make something less severe or more pleasant/easier to deal with: to aid or assist someone. Whichever way you choose to look at it, help is what woman was created to do. Ask yourself a very simple question, how can I help?

Read Genesis 1 & 2 NKJV https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1-2&version=NKJV

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